
Location: TU Berlin, Master’s degree – Stage design, scenic room

Partner: Junges Staatstheater Berlin, Parkaue

Lead: Tobias Kunz

Interior Design – Semester project as internal idea contest

Years: winter semester 2014/15

Selected works by: Natalie Wild, Judith Noack, Jihyun Soh, Franziska Waldemer, Elizabeth Kelly, Anne Lewald

The Theater an der Parkaue is the largest state theater for young people in Germany. The class of 2015 at TU Berlin developed the concept for the relocation of the Theater an der Parkaue to the Prater Berlin.

The aim was to establish a strong identity for the Parkaue as an essential element in the Berlin landscape and to make the building itself indistinguishable.

The design itself, as well as the conversion of all the semi-public rooms inside the building, such as the foyer and cash desk area, were intended to attract additional audiences.

Derivation CI and campaign


Model photos

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